Example 1: Real life usecase
The following example is purely fictitious and does not showcase the final product. The sole purpose of this example is to provide a basic workflow on how smart contracts can be used.
Let’s suppose a simple example. A social media website wants to keep track of a like counter and wants to use the Avian blockchain to keep track of a decentralized matter.
This would be their workflow:
Install the Avian wallet
Write code
Deploy code to Avian blockchain
Hook website to call flight plan function
Let’s write the smart contract
How to call the functions?
Use this RPC method:
call_flightplan [flight plan name] [function name] [args]
Figure 1 - An example of calling an Avian flight plan via the RPC
How would you show the likes on the website?
Since a new RPC call will allow users to call flight plan functions, any RPC library should work. This means almost any programming language that supports HTTP calls can use Avian smart contracts. Figure 2 will show a simple example in React which is a popular frontend framework.
Figure 2 - Example React code using RPC to interact with a flight plan to display the like count.
Example 2: Creating a DNS system
This example is theoretical and only serves to show how flight plans can be coded.
Let’s create a DNS system using Avian flight plans! Our current DNS is used to convert domain names such as “avn.network” to their correct IP address. Unfortunately, DNS is centralized, so let’s take the opportunity to use assets and smart contracts to create a basic DNS system in Avian.
Figure 5 shows the code to implement our decentralized DNS flight plan.
Example 3: Linking to Python
Example 4: Linking to Web using SvelteKit
Server side rendering using Svelte Kit and NodeJS