Returns a list of all asset that are owned by this wallet
1. "asset" (string, optional, default="*") filters results -- must be an asset name or a partial asset name followed by '*' ('*' matches all trailing characters)
2. "verbose" (boolean, optional, default=false) when false results only contain balances -- when true results include outpoints
3. "count" (integer, optional, default=ALL) truncates results to include only the first _count_ assets found
4. "start" (integer, optional, default=0) results skip over the first _start_ assets found (if negative it skips back from the end)
5. "confs" (integet, optional, default=0) results are skipped if they don't have this number of confirmations
Result (verbose=false):
(asset_name): balance,
Result (verbose=true):
"balance": balance,
"txid": txid,
"vout": vout,
"amount": amount
{...}, {...}
{...}, {...}
avian-cli listmyassets ASSET
avian-cli listmyassets "ASSET*" true 10 20
avian-cli listmyassets "ASSET*" true 10 20 1
curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "listmyassets", "params": [] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'