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issue "asset_name" qty "( to_address )" "( change_address )" ( units ) ( reissuable ) ( has_ipfs ) "( ipfs_hash )"

Issue an asset, subasset or unique asset.

  • Asset name must not conflict with any existing asset.

  • Unit as the number of decimals precision for the asset (0 for whole units ("1"), 8 for max precision ("1.00000000")

  • Reissuable is true/false for whether additional units can be issued by the original issuer.

  • If issuing a unique asset these values are required (and will be defaulted to): qty=1, units=0, reissuable=false.


1. "asset_name"            (string, required) a unique name
2. "qty"                   (numeric, optional, default=1) the number of units to be issued
3. "to_address"            (string), optional, default=""), address asset will be sent to, if it is empty, address will be generated for you
4. "change_address"        (string), optional, default=""), address the the avn change will be sent to, if it is empty, change address will be generated for you
5. "units"                 (integer, optional, default=0, min=0, max=8), the number of decimals precision for the asset (0 for whole units ("1"), 8 for max precision ("1.00000000")
6. "reissuable"            (boolean, optional, default=true (false for unique assets)), whether future reissuance is allowed
7. "has_ipfs"              (boolean, optional, default=false), whether ipfs hash is going to be added to the asset
8. "ipfs_hash"             (string, optional but required if has_ipfs = 1), an ipfs hash or a txid hash once RIP5 is activated


"txid"                     (string) The transaction id


avian-cli issue "ASSET_NAME" 1000

avian-cli issue "ASSET_NAME" 1000 "myaddress"

avian-cli issue "ASSET_NAME" 1000 "myaddress" "changeaddress" 4

avian-cli issue "ASSET_NAME" 1000 "myaddress" "changeaddress" 2 true

avian-cli issue "ASSET_NAME" 1000 "myaddress" "changeaddress" 8 false true QmTqu3Lk3gmTsQVtjU7rYYM37EAW4xNmbuEAp2Mjr4AV7E

avian-cli issue "ASSET_NAME/SUB_ASSET" 1000 "myaddress" "changeaddress" 2 true

avian-cli issue "ASSET_NAME#uniquetag"